When I Grow Up

This week we wrap up our SES unit on occupations.  An invitation was given to parents who would like to come speak with our class about the work that they do.  I was honoured by so many who responded and who took the time to visit us and share with us their passions, their expertise, and skills.  We had a…

Blessing Our Admin Assistant

Grade one took a baby cutting from our classroom Spider Plant. We put it in water and watched as the roots grew. Once roots were long enough, we transplanted it into a pot. We “gifted” the new Spider Plant to Mrs. Villeneuve in the Office. We love you Mrs. Villeneuve!

Reading Buddies

One of the highlights of my week is midday on Friday – Reading Buddies.  There is a sense of anticipation in the class leading up to this period, and a sense of joy and excitement when “the big kids” come to our class.  Once the buddies get together, it is replaced with a deep sense of peace.  As my colleague…


There are many reasons why I love what I do.  Today what comes to mind is the beauty of the community within this school. One of the parents in this class has a great deal of expertise in OT skills.  She beautifully and lovingly made several stations for us to use within the classroom.  Last week we were all able…

Secret Path

  Holy Spirit, help us to be reconcilers, and healers, and peacemakers in your name. This spring, Grade 7/8 class did an indepth study of the Secret Path project, during which we listened to and studied songs from Gord Downie’s album and veiwed the illustrations in the accompanying animated film and graphic novel by illustrator Jeff Lemire. This book tells…

S.T.E.M. Activities in Grade 2/3!

Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics!  This is a cross-curricular, hands-on, task-based model of solving a problem using design!  Students have a chance to use materials to think through how to use them in order to meet the need of the challenge. These projects allow the students to be the leaders–as it drives innovation!  It prepares students to think like leaders…

Strength and Stability

The early part of the engineering unit focused on what makes structures strong and stable. Our first lesson was learning about the force that is always acting on the world – gravity. The students were given a similar number of marshmallows and toothpicks and their challenge, within the time limit, was to build the tallest structure that can hold a…

God’s Garden

Grade 1 is enjoying learning to care for God’s Garden. We’ve had fun planting and propagating plants. Each morning we check to see if any changes have taken place in our pots.

Welcome to the “Hug Boat”: The How & Why of Deep Pressure Therapy

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is the “alert” system in the body. This is the one in charge when we face a stressful situation during learning, playing, or making overwhelming decisions. Situations causing stress may be positive or negative. When our SNS is in charge for too long we experience frustration, anxiety, anger, tiredness, and overstimulation. We need to activate our parasympathetic nervous…