Our Program
Student Life:
- Hot Lunch Wednesdays
- Ensemble Choir
- Athletic Tournaments
- Standardized Testing
- Reach Ahead – Grade 9 Math
- Playground Mentor Program
- Theatre Studies
- Student Support Services
- STEM & Digital Citizenship
- Weekly Chapel
- Students’ Council
- Before and After School Care
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Kindergarten Readiness Program:
Ready, Set, READ!
Starts March 22.
Spaces are limited.
Kindergarten with Mrs. Bull
KCS provides student-focussed learning to create a foundation for academic success, spiritual growth, and physical development.
Class Sizes:
For the last decade, class sizes averaged 17 students.
17Grades 1-8
KCS offers a comprehensive elementary curriculum based on the Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines and embedded within a Christian worldview.
Click here to see more!
International Students:
KCS has developed an International Education Program through which students outside of Canada have a transformational educational opportunity to study in a Christian school.
Click here to see more!
Dress Code:
To promote the identity of KCS, students follow a unified dress code of navy and white.
Before/After School Program:
Safe, fun, and great snacks! 8-5 daily for a fee per family.
Visit here to find answers to our frequently asked questions.