
Frequently Asked Questions

What makes your school different from other schools? 

We strive to integrate faith and learning in a meaningful, age appropriate context. This is what we mean when we say we are Christ-centred.  Christian community is vital. We enroll families at KCS. Not only do children receive an education but parents are adopted in to a community which cares for one another in Christian love. This is what we mean when we say we are parentally supported. The core values of lifelong Christian discernment and commitment to Jesus are consistent between home and school. This is what we mean when we say home and school are mutually supportive.  The belief that the Universe and everything in it belongs to God is at the core of our philosophy of education. We strive to see all of created reality through the “lens of Scripture”

How does the Bible fit into your programs? 

We have a formal Bible curriculum taught in Bible class. More importantly we integrate the Bible’s teaching into all curriculum areas. Our math is not Christian because there is a Bible text at the top of the math sheet. Math is Christian when students understand that the world was created with order, pattern and inter-relatedness. Humanity did not create math, we unfold it according to God’s created norms.

What curriculum materials do you use? 

Our curriculum resources come from a variety of sources. Approximately 80% of our materials comes from the Ontario Alliance of Christian Schools (OACS) or one of its sister organizations (see Our Partners).

How does your curriculum compare with that of Ontario public or separate schools? 

The goals and expectations of the KCS curriculum meet or surpass those of the Ministry of Education and Training (OMET).

What grades does KCS offer? 

KCS offers Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8. Kindergarten is full-time.

Do you offer Special Education? 

KCS is committed to meeting and responding to the needs of all students.  Our special education support and interventions begin in kindergarten if necessary.  Our experienced and qualified staff in both the resource room and the classrooms ensures students are equipped and supported to experience success on a daily basis.

Are your teachers qualified? 

KCS employs professional Christian teachers who are qualified to teach in any public or private school in Ontario, but who chose to serve the Lord and their Christian community in the education, training, and discipleship of its children.

Who operates your school?

KCS is operated by the Kingston Christian School Society (KCSS). KCS is a community based, privately funded, parentally supported independent Christian School. Its daily affairs are managed by an administrative team made up of the Principal and Director of Learning. A Board of Directors sets policy and supervises the activities of the administrative team.  A number of standing committees serve the Board. The Board and committees are elected or appointed from the members of the KCSS. Membership in the society is open to parents and all those interested in the promotion of Christian education. The membership has no less than two official meetings per year. (see Governance/Membership)

Does KCS provide bus transportation to and from school? 

No. Parents car pool as necessary and convenient.

Does your school receive any government funding? 

No. KCS relies on tuition and fundraising efforts to operate a quality program.

How long has your school been in operation? 

KCS has been in operation since 1963.

Are KCS students involved in sports? 

Extra-curricular sports include soccer, volleyball, basketball and track and field.  Students compete in the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School tournaments and out-of-town Christian School tournaments.  Our school features a regulation-size gymnasium.

What are the school hours? 

Our school hours are 8:40 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., Monday – Friday.   Students have 2 recesses each day, 10:40-11:00 and 12:15 to 12:55.

What are your class sizes? 

Most of our classes are combined grades which range in size from 15 to 20 students.

How old do children have to be to start Junior Kindergarten? 

Children must be four years old on or before December 31 of the school year in order to start Junior Kindergarten.

Do you serve hot lunch? 

Students bring bag lunches from home. Lunches are available for ordering most Wednesdays.

What is the tuition cost? 

KCS has a family tuition rate. A family with one child will get back approximately $2,500 as a Revenue Canada Tax Refund.  International Student fees are posted separately on our website.

Do you have a financial aid program? 

Yes.  Parents may contact the school for more information about this program (see Tuition Assistance).

Is KCS a nut-free facility? 

Due to the prevalence of nut allergies, we strive to be nut-free throughout the school. In addition, certain classrooms may have other food restrictions due to the life-threatening allergies of a student in that particular class.

Are you associated with a particular church or denomination? 

No, KCS is an independent, non-denominational Christian school with students from a variety of backgrounds. 

Are parents welcome to volunteer at KCS?

Parents are very involved in our school community and involvement is encouraged.

  • Yard duty
  • Classroom volunteer
  • Parent Support Group (hot lunches each Wednesday)
  • Fundraising
  • Committee membership
  • Class trip supervisors

Significant parental involvement is one of the most valuable and cherished features of Kingston Christian School. Requirements around service hours are designed to encourage service contributions with the ultimate goals of building community among KCS families and staff, harnessing the diverse talents and resources of the KCS community for the benefit of our children, and lowering the tuition rate by reducing operating costs and raising funds.

KCS tuition rates are based on every family’s service contributions, which have a real dollar value. Published tuition rates are discounted in expectation of volunteer service within the school community.

What does service look like?  

Families help with classroom tasks, field trip supervision, building maintenance, fundraisers, hospitality for special events or administrative tasks.  KCS operates Kingston’s Thrift Store which provides an abundant volunteer opportunities. There are several committees that also require active members. Partnership is the goal, so each family is assisted in finding a good fit according their strengths.

What other programs do you offer? 

  • Art
  • Special Resource
  • Computer Lab
  • Library
  • Spring/Christmas Musicals
  • Ensemble and Choir
  • Enrichment Math Club

What extracurricular activities does KCS offer?

KCS offers a stimulating and varied intramural program in sports throughout the year plus enrichment academics and opportunities in the arts.  Students participate in interscholastic athletic tournaments in such sports as soccer, basketball, volleyball and track and field. Our students participate in tournaments within the Christian School system and the local separate school system.

  • Frontenac Lennox & Addington Science Fair and Christian School’s Science Fair
  • Public Speaking
  • Remembrance Day Poster Contest
  • Hotel Dieu Art Gallery
  • High School Math Rover Program for Grade 8 Students
  • Grade 7/8 Enrichment Math Club
  • Grade 5/6 & 7/8 Enrichment Program at Queens
  • Grade 5/6 VIP Program with the City Police