Student Conduct
As a Christian community, student conduct will be guided by Jesus’ command to love God above all and our neighbour as our self.
This includes:
Our Relationship with God (Love)
- We will speak of God and the Bible in respectful ways.
Our Relationship with Those in Authority (Honour)
- We will be respectful in our speech and conduct and be obedient to those in authority over us.
Our Relationship with Others (Respect)
- We will show respect to others.
- We will address each other properly and will not resort to belittling to be heard or entertaining.
- We will act and speak in a manner that encourage everyone to feel included.
- We have no need to touch others aggressively, even in play. We will be hands off unless we are helping.
- We will apologize when we disobey or make a mistake and will seek God’s forgiveness as we strive to live in fellowship with one another.
- Respect each other’s property and use it only with permission.
Our Relationship with school property (Care)
- We will accept personal responsibility for the cleanliness of the school and the grounds.
- We will be careful in our use of school property which includes the books, supplies, furniture, equipment and our building.
- We will treat the playgrounds and trees respectfully and stay clear of extreme mud and puddles for the sake of cleanliness in the school.
- We will report any damage done and pay for damages when we are responsible.
Our Relationship with our own bodies (Wellness)
- Weapons, alcohol, narcotics, cigarettes, vaping products, sharp objects, lighters/matches and violently or sexually explicit media are not permitted on school property.
- We will be conscious of safety and avoid running and rough-housing in classrooms and hallways.