
We welcome your inquiry and pray for God’s guidance as you determine if KCS is the place for your family. To help you with your decision, we are pleased to offer:

  • Visit and tour our facility. Your appointment will include a visit to our classrooms, with a longer stay in your child’s potential classroom.
  • Enroll your preschooler in our Kindergarten Readiness Program.
  • KCS Students can bring a friend to school on PA days in February and May.
  • Students coming into Grade 1-8 can enroll as a Student for a Day.
  • Once you have toured the school with our principal, you may enroll your child(ren) to experience the school in action.  



Browse the site to learn about our identity and programs.


Call the school, email your questions, or submit an inquiry from our Contact Us page.


Experience the culture and atmosphere by coming for a tour or arranging to enroll for a day.

How to Enroll

Class sizes at KCS are restricted and families are encouraged to enroll early.  Although students can enroll at any point in the school year, families receive a discount if they enroll by May 31. To enroll, a complete application form is submitted to the office with a $500 deposit. Families can expect to receive notice of their enrolment status by email within three weeks.  In early June, the office sends out a “September Package” of information that includes forms to be completed, supply lists, and tuition payment information for the the start of the new school year. The office is generally closed in the summer months, but both the bookkeeper and the principal are available by email at


Wish to attend KCS, but need assistance with the cost of Christian Schooling? Through the generous support of donors, local churches, and the Christian School Foundation, KCS has funds available to assist families with up to 40% of their tuition costs. These funds are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis and require the completion of an application process. Most funds are needs-based, but there is a one time Welcome Bursary provided by our foundation that is open to any family new to Christian Schooling.  To be considered for a bursary, apply early and submit a bursary application with your enrolment and deposit. Your deposit will be held until you have completed the bursary process and you are notified. For more information, visit Bursaries.

International Students

KCS enrolls up to 2 international students per grade. Most of the time, our international students are not fluent in the English language, so classes in English as a second language are scheduled as part of the student’s regular day.  Additionally, our ESL teacher is available to support our international students each day in other subjects as needed.

To apply to enroll students at Kingston Christian School, we require a full application form and a deposit of $1000.  Tuition is payable in 2 installments, with the first being due prior to the student’s first day. For more information, please click on the Contact Us link and connect with our office.

Parental Involvement

Many of our families are dedicated to and involved in the governance of our school.  To do so, membership in The Kingston Christian School Society is required. Membership has the following benefits:

  • voting on the yearly school budget and other strategic initiatives
  • serving on committees and the Board of Directors
  • curriculum direction
  • the hiring of staff and the setting of their contracts

The process involves submitting the application form for membership and a reference from the priest, pastor, or reverend that leads your chosen local community of worship.

Significant parental involvement is one of the most valuable and cherished features of Kingston Christian School. Requirements around service hours are designed to encourage service contributions with the ultimate goals of building community among KCS families and staff, harnessing the diverse talents and resources of the KCS community for the benefit of our children, and lowering the tuition rate by reducing operating costs and raising funds.

KCS tuition rates are based on every family’s service contributions, which have a real dollar value. Published tuition rates are discounted in expectation of volunteer service within the school community.

What does service look like?  Families help with classroom tasks, field trip supervision, building maintenance, fundraisers, hospitality for special events or administrative tasks.  KCS operates Kingston’s Thrift Store which provides an abundant volunteer opportunities. There are several committees that also require active members. Partnership is the goal, so each family is assisted in finding a good fit according their strengths.