S.T.E.M. Activities in Grade 2/3!

S.T.E.M. Activities in Grade 2/3!

Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics!  This is a cross-curricular, hands-on, task-based model of solving a problem using design!  Students have a chance to use materials to think through how to use them in order to meet the need of the challenge.

These projects allow the students to be the leaders–as it drives innovation!  It prepares students to think like leaders of change. Plus, it’s a whole lot of fun!

Some projects we have done:

  1. Kingston needs more outdoor play areas for kids!  Design a play structure using straws and marshmallows.
  2. Ping Pong Challege!  Design a tool to transfer a ping pong ball at least 1- cm using a tool made of construction paper, tape and paper clips.
  3. Downtown Kingston needs a new exhibit to enhance tourism!  Desing a sculpture or structure to attract new visitors to the downtown square using flower shop oasis, bbq sticks and tissue paper!

For more information about S.T.E.M. education in Ontario, click https://www.dcp.edu.gov.on.ca/en/program-planning/cross-curricular-and-integrated-learning/stem-education