So Much to Count

…. So little time…. We have been enjoying learning about graphs this month in numeracy: bar graphs, pie graphs, and tally graphs.  Our teacher candidate has been doing a phenomenal job of encouraging hands-on learning. For my part, I have been honoured to be able to watch these little minds learn so much with such enthusiasm.  What a privilege to…

Thankful Thursday

As students have become more comfortable in the class and with each other, it has been a beautiful thing to be able to begin our day together asking for prayer requests. This may be a foreign term to some and so I have defined it for the students as “something we would like to ask God for, or something we…

Light and Sound

One of our science units is very interactive and is split into two main focuses: principles of light and sound. Among other activities and experiments, students created their own pinhole camera, wore diffraction glasses to see the spectrum of colour in white light, and explored lasers and mirrors, a broken straw, and a disappearing penny. For sound, we demonstrated how…